Contact Us

Find us

  • Star of the Sea
  • Elm Road
  • Seaforth
  • Liverpool
  • L21 1BH

When you come into the gates, the entrance to the club is on the westward facing wall of the building (to the left).

Who we are and what we're about

North Mersey ABC is a club based on diversity. Inclusion is our aim, and we strive to make the mix work!

What do the classes consist of?

The classes are all logically arranged arrays of activities designed to both get you fit and teach you how to box. Each class will consist of a warm up and a cool down, between which some of the activities will be:

  • Shadow Boxing
  • Skipping
  • Technique Drills
  • Footwork Drills
  • Punchbag Work
  • Pad work
  • Optional Sparring
  • Circuit training
  • And much more...

What We Expect

Our expectations aren't for you to run rings around everyone, or for you to be super fit, but we do expect you to work hard and push yourself. Our coaches can help you a lot, but the rest is up to you.

We also expect that you respect others, regardless of their ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, socio-economic background and ability. Discrimination against anybody will not be tolerated within the club. Please also keep the place clean and tidy; if you use anything, please put it back.